Telia IPTV with an Asus router

Getting rid of the Inteno switch provided by Telia is easy with an Asus router.

Telia supposedly use these VLANs

1 Internet
845t TV
855t Telephony

*t means tagged

Asus router admin

  1. Login to the router admin page at (stupid hostname, Asus)
  2. Head over to LAN -> IPTV
  3. Enter 845 at “LAN Port 4”
  4. Apply

Asus router ports

So here’s what we’ve got now.

Port VLAN What
WAN 2,845 Trunk: Internet, IPTV
1 1 LAN network
2 1 LAN network
3 1 LAN network
4 845 IPTV

Connecting the IPTV box to LAN port 4 on the Asus router should now get TV, yay!

Living room trunk

But what if there’s only one ethernet cable to the living room and you want to have wired access both to the local network and IPTV? A trunk can carry multiple VLANs on a single ethernet cable!

Enter a smart switch. For example a Linksys LGS308. Any switch that handles VLANs should work.



  • IPTV on Asus router, port 4
  • Trunk on Asus router, port 1
  • LAN on smart switch, ports 2-7
  • IPTV on smart switch, port 8

Any non VLAN capable device connected to port 1 on the Asus router will simply have LAN network access as LAN is untagged.

  1. Enable SSH in web gui, then SSH to router ssh

  2. Create a script in /jffs/scripts/services-start that contains the following

robocfg vlan 845 ports "0t 1t 4"
  1. Make it executable and run it: chmod 755 /jffs/scripts/services-start && /jffs/scripts/services-start

Asus router ports

If all goes well, there’s a trunk on port 1 now.

Port VLAN What
WAN 2,845 Trunk: Internet, IPTV
1 1, 845t Trunk: LAN network, IPTV
2 1 LAN network
3 1 LAN network
4 845 IPTV
  1. Configure the switch like below

Linksys switch ports

Port VLAN What
1 1, 845t Trunk: LAN network, IPTV
2 1 LAN network
3 1 LAN network
4 1 LAN network
5 1 LAN network
6 1 LAN network
7 1 LAN network
8 845 IPTV
  1. Connect an ethernet cable from Asus router port 1 to Linksys switch port 1.

  2. Connect IPTV box to Linksys switch port 8. Great success!

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